The first Hangover was made for $35 million with each lead actor getting under a million. It went on to gross almost half a billion. With Hangover II, the headliners negotiated a deal for $5 million each plus back-end compensation. That movie went on to gross $581 million worldwide. Naturally, the studios want to milk this cow dry so there will be a Hangover III and Warners will have no choice but to pay Ed Helms, Bradly Cooper and Zach Galifianakis the $15 million each they’re asking for.
For the third film, the lead actors, all represented in negotiations by CAA (with agent Jason Heyman taking the lead) and are presenting a united front. (In fact, CAA also reps writer-director Todd Phillips and writer Craig Mazin.)
Warners hopes the next film, a Los Angeles-based story that will deviate from the forgotten-debauchery formula of the first movies, can shoot this summer and be ready for a Memorial Day 2013 release. The Hollywood Reporter
Are they sure about deviating from the same formula? Because you know how people love seeing the same thing over and over again just in a different form. Change is scary.
And I’m a 50 year old college graduate and can’t get a job. Good for them, maybe I can cut their grass or something.