Anthony Bourdain says one of his easiest methods of finding the best food when coming to a new town is to incite nerd rage among the local foodies. This can be done in three easy steps. Find a food message board or site about the place you’re visiting, post a declarative statement, sit back and relax while the local foodies bicker among themselves. Bourddain was overheard saying at an event sponsored by the Singapore Tourism Board:
Get online and write something along the lines of, “hey guys, I just had the absolute best chicken rice at [restaurant x] in Singapore, no questions asked, hands down, everything else pales in comparison,” then sit back and enjoy the show as the internet foodie elite each jump into the fray to defend their own picks to the death. You’ll get a much bigger response, more passionate praise, and it’ll probably end up being a little fun to boot. Lifehacker
Mmm, that’s some good food trolling. It’s sort of what I like to do with Demi Lovato. Post up photos, call her fat and then sit back and watch the hate flow. Dance! Dance my puppets!
That’s ok. It’s a known fact that idiots that run stupid celeb gossip sites like to thrash on those who are more successful. Don’t worry about me driving my mercedes Benz, just worry about getting duck tape off of your tail gate bitch :-)
Quack quack.
Talking about your mother again eg blemish? Speaking of which how is her open for legs business going? Blossoming I hear lol.
Good Job stating the obvious blemish. What are you gonna do next? Tell us that water is wet? Moron lol
Blemish if you’re gonna call someone a chicken at least get the fucking animal right you dumb ass. Did you even pay attention in third grade?
I know someone who didn’t pay attention in third grade. Woosh.
I take it that someone would be you? Seeing as how you can’t eve get the correct farm animal right lol. Go to school love. Education is a good thing. ;-)
Someone is pressed cause demia has more money that they do. Don’t worry blemish. Im sure a lot of people think you collecting welfare is sexy :-) ami high blemish. Aim high :-)