Chris Brown and Rihanna Release Their Collaboration

Now that Rihanna and Chris Brown have started talking to each other on Twitter again (Chris wished Rihanna a happy birthday and Rihanna said thanks), they released both of the collaborations they did together.

The first features Chris Brown lending his vocals to a remix of Rihanna’s Birthday Cake. I assume cake is a euphemism in this case because even Christina Aguilera doesn’t like cake that much (though if she did, it would probably go like this: “nom nom nom nom nom nom”). Birthday Cake (Remix) pretty much let’s everyone know Chris still wants to bang Rihanna what with lines like, “Girl, I wanna f**k you right now/Been a long time, I’ve been missing your body.”

The second collaboration has Rihanna lending her vocals to Chris Brown’s Turn Up the Music. This one let’s people know Rihanna has probably forgiven Chris. She sings, “Turn up the music cause I feel a lil’ turned on… Turn up the music, fill me up and take me down.”

“Hey, look at me, look at me.” Next time Chris beats Rihanna, you can be sure the paramedics are going to mutter, “I told you so,” under their breath when they put her on the stretcher.

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