All our dreams are about to come true and we didn’t even have to lift a finger. Not only did Justin Bieber get his ass kicked in a photoshoot, but now Ashton Kutcher has willingly asked to be blasted off into space. Hopefully to be stranded on a distant planet and turned into a sex slave by Rosie O’Donnell look-a-likes. Richard Branson wrote on his blog to announce the joyous news that Ashton paid $200,000 for a spot on his Virgin Atlantic Galactic flight.
Great news today news from our Astronaut Relations team at Virgin Galactic: our 500th future astronaut customer has just signed up! Even better news is that number 500 is Ashton Kutcher. I gave Ashton a quick call to congratulate and welcome him. He is as thrilled as we are at the prospect of being among the first to cross the final frontier (and back!) with us and to experience the magic of space for himself. Virgin
No launch date has been set but with this new revelation, several volunteers have come to help expedite the construction of the space shuttle and to help stab a bunch of holes in Ashton’s spacesuit.