Avril Lavigne released a thank you music video didcated to all her fans to mark the end of her tour. The recently released video for “Goodbye” was shot inside the Chateau Marmont by Mark Liddell and features Avril waltzing around in lingerie and shaving her leg with champagne which is way better than the skater boi shtick she used to have. She should leave us more often.
Maybe she “cleared the deck” with champagne (for the next guy in line) and shaved with whipped cream just to support the “dairy industry” so she could cover all her bases in a career that caters to pedophiles and cow fuckers…it’s not like she has talent or anything. Maybe she figured out she gets more traction fucking guys at the Marmont than fucking guys from the skate park.
Oh yeah…she has a 4th grade education…so, don’t look for any Pulitzer Prize submissions from her (per Al Gore they are on the 8th great level-99% of the reason why he won one). It’s a FACT!!!
So sick of her little girl voice. Ugh, shut up!