When Kim Kardashian divorced Kris Humphries in 72 days, people were asking what the hell she did with all the wedding gifts. The answer? Keep it. But don’t get your panties in a bunch just yet, she gave double the worth of the gifts to charity. I asked Charity, my regular dancer, about it and she said she hasn’t seen a dime. What a f**king liar. In a letter obtained by TMZ, Kim wrote to all the guests at her wedding:
“I would like to thank you for your generous and thoughtful wedding gift. It has taken me some time to pull everything together but I wanted to let you know that the money for every gift received by me at my wedding has been donated to the Dream Foundation …”
Even though this is a generous tax write-off, at least Kim cut a check instead of donating the gifts which would make it twice as hard for the charity. Also, you know Khloe already broke open the ice cream maker and waffle iron and went to town on them already to invent her new breakfast, waffle ice cream.
Kim has no talent and has a boring personality. Kim’s sisters Kloe and Kourtney are the true stars with great personalities. Kourtney has a great body and Kim has a stout body with a fat behind. Kim is nothing without airbrushing and girdles. You never see Kim show her behind unless it’s been airbrushed. Kourtney has a great behind and Kim has a fat wide cottage cheese behind. Kim and Kourtney should be large size models. Kim says she is not fat, but even Kourtney told Kim that she has a fat butt and her butt and thighs look the… Read more »