Kim Kardashian Pressing Charges Against Woman Who Brought Us Joy

Last week, a woman ran across the press line at the launch of Kim Kardashian’s fragrance, called Kim a “fur hag” and threw a bag of flour over her. Kim handled the situation with more grace and dignity than expected. She laughed it off, went into side room and cleaned herself up. Granted, I imagine porn stars are used to doing this by now.

At any rate, Kim isn’t going to let this one slide. Sources say Kim doesn’t feel the flour-bomber should get away with what she did. While she didn’t press charges that night because she allegedly didn’t want to take herself from the “charity” event (the launch of her fragrance was coupled with Dress for Success), people are now saying Kim will be contacting the police to tell them she changed her mind. Kim wants to send a message that everyone is entitled to their opinion but shouldn’t resort to violence. Although, getting some white substance stuck in your hair shouldn’t really be considered “violent.” If that were the case, pretty much all of Kim’s boyfriends have been “violent” with her. Sometimes there’s even so much violence that Kim’s face turns into a hot mess.

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