Unlike Rihanna, Selena Gomez was a little more demure when she stepped out with no bra. She was spotted on the set of Spring Breakers in a striped tank and cut off shorts braless and chowing down on some pickle. At least I think she was braless. It was either that or she has nipples that could cut through glass.
I thank you should leave Selena alone!!!!!!!
Sarah Farmer;)
Argeed :)
Though I wish I had nipples that could cut through glass.
so what?
Love Selena!
Yup Selena is awesome leave the poor girl alone!
Can’t she afford some decent dills?
Wow, if this was MIley or Demi without a bra the Selena (pug face) fan club would be all over it, saying how trashy they look. I hate when there is one set of rules for your favourite celeb and another set for that celeb’s ex-friends.
Lol she really does love those pickles! That’s so gross though- I don’t see how she can eat them like that! I can’t even tolerate them on a burger.
I think she pretends to be munchin’ on a dick bigger than bieber’s. Poor Selena :( I love you girl :)