The Situation Admits to Being in Rehab by Not Admitting He’s in Rehab

On Tuesday, news broke that The Situation had entered rehab. His rep was quick to deny the reports claiming Mike Sorrentino was merely at an undisclosed location resting and recuperating.

On Wednesday, a message was posted on The Situation’s website (which is a straight rip of Gawker) attempting to clear up all these rumors that “have been falsely reporting stories about The Situation being in rehab.” You see, The Situation isn’t in rehab. He’s just recuperating from a prescription medication addiction brought about by exhaustion. Hey, sort of like Jason Russell.

I want to set the record straight. I have voluntarily taken steps to get control of a prescription medication problem I had due to exhaustion. I have spent the past several weeks getting treatment for this problem and recuperating from my work and appearance schedule. I appreciate my fans support and love you guys. Sitch News

So he’s in rehab. Gotcha. In fact, he’s rehabbing at the famed Cirque Lodge in Utah. He’s also using the “do you know who I am?” line to get the chef to cook according to his diet because he’s bloated and needs to get back into shape for season 6 of Jersey Shore. Sitch must think no one wants to see his fat ass walking around shoveling Oxycontin into his mouth. I’m here to tell Sitch that he’s very very wrong.

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Addiction is a Disease
12 years ago

You know, it’s easy to criticize celebrities for developing addictions – but they can suffer from drug problems just as easily as the rest of us.  Addiction truly is a disease, and being rich and famous makes no difference in your susceptibility.  If anything, celebs are more likely to develop addictions due to their constant stress and place in the spotlight.  In any case, I wish Mike the best and hope he steers clear of Jersey Shore drama while he’s trying to get better.