Kris Humphries Demands Kim Admit Marriage Was Fake

Kris Humphries refuses to grant Kim Kardashian a divorce until she gives him a public apology and admits she and her family staged the entire wedding. He’s even turned down a $7 million settlement just to stick it to Kim. My respect for Kris has risen greatly.

A friend of Humphries told us, “Kim’s camp is depicting him as money-hungry, but in fact he turned down a $7 million settlement. Her camp is putting out stories about ‘Kim’s divorce hell’ hoping he’ll cave in, but he won’t.

“Kris wants Kim to admit to fraud, to admit the whole thing was staged for publicity, to make a public apology to him because he really wanted a marriage,” our insider said.

Humphries and his camp are furious at what they claim is a campaign by Team Kim to attack him in the press. One friend added, “They are trying to spin Kim as the victim, but Kris isn’t going to stand for it.” Page Six

This is way better than the advice I gave him which was to sit on Kim’s chest and yell at her to, “Admit it! Admit it! Admit it!,” while making her slap herself with her own hands.

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12 years ago

Good!  Either that hag gives him the annulment or admits fraud and gets her precious divorce. She just wants to start a new high profile relationship for her stupid reality show.  Thing is, no decent man in his right mind would want to be associated with her.  

ABysmal Trash Heap Removal Inc
ABysmal Trash Heap Removal Inc
12 years ago

Kim is S U C H a narcissistic tacky, trashy, money hungry label whore heap.  Not to mention an animal abuse advocate by default whoring out tacky exotic once beautiful alive animals on her tubby bod.  Karma will visit that shallow being.  Kim makes Lindsay Lohan look tasteful.  

12 years ago