Casper Smart is 24 and dating Jennifer Lopez who he siphons bucket loads of cash off of in the form of gifts and promotions. So it’s no surprise he does stupid stuff to impress her like tattooing her name on his penis. Allegedly.
What says “I love you” more than having your girlfriend’s name tattooed on your nether region? Nothing, if you’re Jennifer Lopez’s boyfriend, Casper Smart.
According to a friend, Casper surprised J.Lo with this token of his affection – and she was thrilled with the latest addition to his already inked-up body!
“Jennifer thinks Casper’s tattoos are sexy, but this one is her favorite, for obvious reasons,” her friend says. “She loves it, and she loves him.”
It’s a lovefest all around, according to another source, who says Casper’s friends and family have become “obsessed” with his high-profile relationship. One wrote on his Facebook wall: “All of you mom and dad’s friends are living vicariously through you” after Casper posted a photo of him with J.Lo. And his mom has even renamed herself Shawna Lopaz! ITW via Celebitchy
Can you imagine what their sex life would be like? It’d be awesome for J.Lo and way less awesome for Casper. Mostly because her dirty talk would consist of self-referential demands like “I want myself in myself.”
She’s been losing all of her credibility after her break up with Marc Anthony
The tattoo should read, Jennifer was here, cause we all know thats how it going to go down.