Last night David Letterman interviewed Justin Bieber and things didn’t go quite according to plan. While talking about Justin’s tattoos, Letterman went into old grandpa mode and tried rubbing off Justin’s “Believe” tattoo which he said he just got in celebration of his album’s release. Justin didn’t seem too happy about that. Probably because it was a temporary tattoo and Letterman actually partially rubbed off a couple letters. Later, Justin called the Sisteen Chapel the Sixteenth Chapel which Letterman blamed on Canadian schools.
Towards the end of the show, Letterman shook his cane and shouted at Justin to get off his lawn and then went backstage to drink his Metamucil.
Hah! Fail. He was not happy there. Poor kid. …sixteenth. Keep singing.
“The sixteenth chapel”? What a maroon!
And you just called the Sistine Chapel, “the sisteen chapel”…
Is there a difference?
that boring old
speaking of old things Sistine Chapel
What the f**k is this? I do not know
leave the boy alone boring old