Dying Girl Lives on With Help From Justin Bieber

Meet Megan Ham. An 11-year-old fifth grader. She has Lissencephaly. There are only 1,500 known cases of the condition worldwide. She suffers daily seizures and once had 70 seizures in a day. She’s severely neurologically impaired. Doctors said Megan will never be able to talk, recognize her family or express emotions. Yet, all hope is not lost as Megan has caught… Bieber Fever.

Teachers at her elementary school in Vancouver stumbled across her love for JB accidentally when his song played on the radio. Megan began to smile and kick her feet when she heard it. Now her wheelchair has been equipped with a special switch that let’s her listen to Justin Bieber whenever she wants. God, all her guy classmates must hate her.

“It really helps her to get through the day,” said teacher Kim Graves. “It keeps her happy and it keeps her comfortable. ”

Her reaction to Bieber’s music is something doctors never thought to be possible, and it has showed her family that Megan has the ability to interact and communicate with them.

“We never thought we would feel that, from what the doctors said at the beginning,” said Michael Ham. “This has really opened up a lot of doors.”

So, now her family members say they have all become “Beliebers” because, for a moment, they get to see Megan act like any other girl her age.

“It makes me want to cry, she’s happy and she’s healthy, it’s a pretty big deal,” said Michael Ham. KPTV

Megan will be attending a JB concert in Portland this October. Her family says she won’t be able to enjoy the concert in her assigned handicapped seat because she’s also visually impaired. Luckily for her, Justin Bieber’s people have a Google Alert set for “Justin Bieber + Good PR.”

Shortly after the story went up, Justin tweeted, “MEGAN you stay strong for me and I’m gonna make sure we meet when i come to Portland. Love you and Thank You :) -”

If you’re like me, you thought this was a horrible joke from The Onion at first but the more you read, the more you realized this was for real and that you were going to hell for laughing so hard. I’m sorry.

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Bieber is a Remedy
Bieber is a Remedy
12 years ago

Bieber sux tick balls but this is impressive ish!

12 years ago

hi justin bieber you like to date me and little kids big kids have a siezure from logan davies

justin bieber
justin bieber
12 years ago

me i have a Siezure with boyfriends