Here’s the Chris Brown and Drake Fight Video

As reported, Chris Brown and Drake got into a fight at WIP in New York this morning. Chris ended up with a gash on his chin to match the one in his pants. He posted a photo of his injury before taking it off Twitter.

The fight allegedly started when Drake gave Brown the finger and began trash talking. MediaTakeOut, which gets details wrong a lot, says Brown tried to make nice with Drake sending over a bottle which Drake refused and sent back with a message that read, “I’m f*ckng the love of your life [Rihanna], deal with it.”

Other sources say Drake was on his way out when the fight started and that the guy who bottled Chris Brown was Philly rapper Meek Mill. They add the fight was not over Rihanna but would not give any more specifics.

Anyway, video of the fight just came out. It all took place in the VIP area where Drake and Brown were sitting. You can see security trying to break it up before a big guy in a wife beater walks out bloody. Then a minute later, one guy sucker punches another guy before being held back by friends and security.

Update: Apparently this might not actually be video of the fight. One person says it was filmed back in February. Go figure. The second video below definitely shows Chris Brown though.

Yet another video shows Drake and Chris Brown leaving the club. Chris can be seen taking his shirt off before getting into his car. Because he’s hard like that.

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12 years ago

Yo ovoxo club paradise tour dats wassup,the meek shall inherit the earth,trigga trey have ya boy drake back for real HYFR

12 years ago

QBARACK – You are a gaaaaaay cunt.

12 years ago

f**k chris brown gay ass!! meek mill, drake str8 f**k him up lol

12 years ago

#teambreezy bitch meek mill and drake finna lose hella fans. i dont even think they know who the fucked with do they know how deep #teambreezy is they finna hurt in the pockets frfr they TRIED to touch my baby its on #f**k drake #f**k meek mills or however u spell that sweet ass n***a name

laura fisher
laura fisher
12 years ago
Reply to  bribella

meek is from the hood and been to jail he done seen n****s get murked you think he give a f**k about fans and how he gone lose fans when his songs is exactly about that type of s**t. if rap is over for him it’s back to the streetz a person from the hood don’t lose no sleep when one hustle gone grind another way but either way you get yo money so stop it it’s a diffrence between rap n****s and real n****s no that #team my mutha fuckin self i’m on my own dick i like the… Read more »

12 years ago

Who wants to hate on chris brown. Chris has been out of trouble for a long time and drake had no reason to come in the club starting stuff with Chris. He was minding his own business and having a good time so get off Chris back and leave him alone and whats the point of fighting over Rihanna and Chris brown can fight so look out and no reason to call him gay that just to far and who cares if he is gay or not. He is a great singer!!!!! And I am one of his big fans!!!… Read more »

12 years ago
Reply to  Ragtag


Aravindha Kumarasinghe
12 years ago
Reply to  Ragtag

Hell yeah fella, keep it up… drake ya just fight like a lil baby girl, switch ya gender bitch!!!

12 years ago


cafe cane
cafe cane
12 years ago
Reply to  h

man f**k this s**t l wish l could ride rihannas pussy

12 years ago

Teambreezybaby! All day long!

12 years ago

Wow !!! What the hell is a lil ass chin scratch !?!? A real man fights with fists not bottles. #TeamBreezy all day for these punk ass niggahs out here. Ima girl and I’ll bang the s**t out of a dude so don’t try me cuz I’ll do the same thang Chris did to Rihanna on Yall ass so dont be tryna talk down on breezy !!! Haha, loyal fan from day 1 through thick and thin. Love you Chris ! Oan who can take Drake serious after being in a wheelchair on degrassi !?!? LMAO hyfr that !!!

12 years ago

You are a fuckin moron.. go shoot youreself i bet breezy wont give to fucks bout it.

12 years ago

lmao u must b da dumbest bitch ever! u said u’ll beat da s**t out of a dude like chris did riri? like wat he did to her was, says alot about wat kinda woman u are…stupid as fuk! ur boyfriend should beat da s**t out of u for being so fukn ignorant lmao

12 years ago

drake so fucking scary , got cha fucking body guards fighting for ya .

12 years ago

Chris Brown is a pussy, I’m glad meek fucked him up with that bottle for all the bitching he does

Breezy team
Breezy team
12 years ago

Team breezy <3 love u Chris f**k drake I use to be a fan but that n***a is a hater !!!

Elliszhae Campbell
Elliszhae Campbell
12 years ago

A ha so happy chris got his sweet ass beat team drizzy bicthes

laura fisher
laura fisher
12 years ago

DRake didn’t throw a grape that n***a threw a bottle then bounced when the s**t got ugly team drake for nothing everbody look like they been in a fight but drake meek mills shirt was streched out chris was bleeding everybody looked tore up but drake plus he the only one who claim not to be there after so maybe he tellin the truth when pac fought that n***a in vegas that was so g s**t no bottles thrown just in your face me to you and we scrap not i’ma throw a bottle from the cut then bounce all… Read more »

12 years ago
Reply to  laura fisher

get a fukn life chik lmao u just as wak as chris brown. all on his dik like u kno da n***a lol n since u keepn trak of who she fukd..add meek to da list dumbass. only another whore would say ri ri isnt one lol u madd stupid lol get a life

jepi mamea
jepi mamea
12 years ago
Reply to  laura fisher

well u knw wat i dink, what the hell r u guys doing u guys didnt go for celebrities to f**k up each other cum on man,give and set gud examples to all ur fans, im diffrent from everybody i dont care if u both r celebrities but 4christ sake. be a man and do wats eigh

epi mameapi mamlo
epi mameapi mamlo
12 years ago
Reply to  jepi mamea

sorry im not done any ways man dats why u guys need a fren to be dere to advice u guys not just drink and party cum onof need any advice im on fb but if not deal with all dat crap u knw what my mom always tells me having a fren advice u during hard times thats the fren that has a heart but friend who usses u will watch the end of u life godown to drain im not god or im just using gods brain to solve things and help the weak ones but i have… Read more »

12 years ago

dang why was they really fighting and who won

n.o to b.r
n.o to b.r
12 years ago

Man y’all hating on chris man he on top of the world f**k yall team breezy all the way chris brown got hands I no he’ll f**k dem boys up off,my boy yall jus maf cus he shittin on yall

12 years ago

F**K Both dem niggaz…..karma kame faBreezyBroad, n drizzydropz Been exsposed G’z up ta millz doe. Upperklass s**t. F**K rekordz selloutz. Bodyguardz Beefin foe dez f**K niggaz. Dem niggaz h**o!

Misty Ogborn
Misty Ogborn
12 years ago

Fuckk all u breezy haters #teambreezy all day. f**k the bs i still love u christopher maurice brown,fan 4 life u already know. Nd& rhiRhi aint worth fightn over if thats the case,damn hoe,ha . Well i hope everything goes well :( keep it cool.

12 years ago

F**K niggaz oinkin wit tha piggz….SNITXHEZ SELLOUT! Read aBout it

12 years ago

TeamE40 n***a!

12 years ago

The f**k dude? Damn you Drake. Dude why are you hatin on Chris? He was tryna be nice. Drake deserves a slap across his face! I mean. That s**t CRAY ! N why did Chris get hurt? For what? Tryna be nice. Dumbass . #TeamBreezy <3

Real talk
Real talk
12 years ago

Lol all y’all defending brown over nothing. He beat that bitch up then gets jealous when other dudes hit it. Smh grow up brown u a bitchnigga for beatin up a girl and aren’t a thug don’t f**k with real dudes like meek who have to jail

laura fisher
laura fisher
12 years ago
Reply to  Real talk

it wasent over rhianna his gf was injured with him know your facts if you don’t like him have some respect for his gf

Tamera Davis
Tamera Davis
12 years ago
Reply to  Real talk

Stfu . Rihanna went back to him .. he tried to avoid her. and the past is over .. Rihanna even want Drake .

Tamera Davis
Tamera Davis
12 years ago
Reply to  Tamera Davis

Rihanna DIDN’T even want Drake .

Rihanna DON’T even want Drake

12 years ago

rihanas pussy must be good to be fighting over her

12 years ago
Reply to  swag10

That’s what I’m talking about…it way be used but I’m sure she can ride and suck a mean dick…..I’d slap that pussy!!!!

Vee Tee
Vee Tee
12 years ago

Bitch ass Drake this man was trying to make peace with your punk ass n this is how u act…F**k You!Leave Chris alone BITCH!

12 years ago

drake basically made himself look stupid to me nd the chris brown nd rihanna thing is lik the past now nd obviously if she went bac wit him den she dnt care no more either so no one rlly care about dat no more nd he was actin immature to me gttin jealous bt wat he fightin ovr her for im jus sayin he cld do bttr i love rihanna bt shes messin her ass up tho drake is to cute for her nd chris idk y he bac wit her bt im srry bt i love drake bt ive… Read more »

12 years ago

These bitchs on Chris Browns Dick jii hard out this bitch! The n***a hit a girl. & yall talking bout he can fight?!?! Yeah, WOMEN MAYBE! F**k Chris Brown’s wack ass i’d bitch slap him w/ a bottle too if i could!

laura fisher
laura fisher
12 years ago
Reply to  ImTheFamous1


12 years ago

F**k Drake pussy ass that is sad when u have to recruit 10 people 2 help him jump Chris brown wow an Rihanna. Fucc all the n****s in the rap game so Drake. Need to no that an he have Chris brown. Left Overs he don’t need that bitch he had money an fan be for he was with her an he got it now so what do he need from her there to many girl out there