Johnny Depp was Hooking Up With Amber Heard?

First there were rumors that Johnny Depp and Vanessa Paradis were splitting, then they weren’t splitting, then Johnny Depp hooked up with Ashley Olsen and now there’s rumors that he hooked up with the bi-sexual Amber Heard, who’s dating Tasya Van Ree, on the set of Rum Diaries.

Amber Heard may have led Paradis to pull the plug, but that was denied by them, even as “Diary” insiders claim it was true.Making it all even more complicated: Heard recently admitted she is bisexual and is involved with artist and photographer Chicago Sun

In Depp’s defense, Amber Heard is really, really hot and she’s bisexual. That’s 2 out of 2 on men’s checklist of “Things I Look for in a Woman.”

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12 years ago

I think anyone who actually believes this bull s**t is a fucking moron. Then again celebrity gossip tailors to the dimwitted individuals of america who will believe anything that tabloid rags would have to say.