Zooey Magazine interviewed Julianne Hough for their latest issue (digital issue here) and apparently this chick is Mormon. Sort of. She grew up in the LDS church but moved to London when she was 10 to study dance where she lived with her dance coach for 5 years until she decided to move back to America at 15 to become an actress. Now she’s dating Ryan Seacrest and just starred in Rock of Ages with Tom Cruise which flopped at the box office last weekend.
How challenging was it to live with your dance coach for five years?
The woman I lived with in London [Latin Ballroom champion Shirley Ballas] made me strong and not necessarily in the best way. She made me very guarded and she made me a fighter. I had to fight to hold onto myself. She was very tough on me. Honestly I went through things that I don’t think anyone should have to go through but if they hadn’t happened I wouldn’t have the character and the strength I have today.Did you have anywhere to escape?
There was a bagel shop that was right across the street from where I lived. I didn’t get allowance very often but when I did that was the first place I would go. I would get a cup of tea and a sausage or bacon bagel depending upon what I was in the mood for and I would put HP sauce on it.What was the reaction when you decided to leave London to be an actress?
Everyone in London told me I was crazy and needed to stay. That I was going to amount to nothing and was going to work at “Whatever Burger.” I had my whole life set up in London and I knew it would just be me continuing to dance and I would eventually become professional, win world championships, and then I would be a teacher or I would tour around Europe and Asia and do shows and get titles. I knew all this and it’s not what I wanted. I wanted to act, but living with my dance coaches made dance my only option. It was a really hard decision for a 15 year old girl to make, but I needed to do something for me.You finished high school in Utah where you had been raised in the LDS church. Do you still consider yourself Mormon?
I was raised Mormon and then went to London where it wasn’t part of my life at all and then came back and was super Mormon again and then came to L.A. where I wasn’t around it. Now I’m older and I almost appreciate it more. I hold onto the everyday teachings, but as far as the religious teachings there might be parts I disagree with here and there. I’ve modified it to fit my lifestyle but it taught me great morals and principals. It gave me a sense of what it means to be a nice person, to be humble, what it means to be grateful and a desire to service people.You’ve been with Ryan Seacrest for two years. What made you fall in-love?
You know, we gush and mush at each other all the time. At dinner we’ll always be sitting there explaining the reasons why we love each other. It’s corny and silly but it’s great. I love talking about Ryan. He’s so genuine and loyal. I didn’t realize…I had perceptions of who I thought he was. On our first date I thought, “This is so not what I expected.” He’s one of the most thoughtful–not just boyfriends or men–but people I’ve ever met. A lot of the romantic things he does for me are sometimes not even specifically for me. He’ll remember my Mom’s birthday or that it’s Mother’s Day and he’ll send something. I would so much rather him be like that with my family than have him do something for me.
I’m curious as to what preconceived notions she had of Ryan Seacrest. Did she think their first date was going to be a lispy shopping spree at the mall for a pair of faaabulous heels? Because that’s what I think.
10 year old Gus, “Hey mom & dad I’m leaving for England to be raised by strangers.” Gus’ Dad, “STFU Gus.”
We wish Julianne well, but she may have sold her soul to the Hollywood gods.