A report by TMZ claimed Justin Bieber and Selena Gomez’s relationship was in trouble having broken up multiple times in the past few months. Sources said the two split last week and then got back together. “They’re not solid,” said the source.
However, last night, Justin and Selena made sure paparazzi were around to take pictures of them holding hands while going to dinner at the Pink Pepper restaurant in Hollywood. Asked if they were still together, Justin told the paparazzi, “What does it look like?”
What does it look like? It looks like you saw those photos of another guy picking up Selena Gomez at the beach like he was about to drag her back to his cave and now you want everyone to know Selena is still your girlfriend despite that other guy being inches away from giving her the shocker.
poor selena she was probably crying and sad cause she knows things arent going well with her relationship with justin i mean honestly they should talk it out rather than breaking up repeatedly i mean its simple now everyone is getting upset about their on and off relationship … i love them both but i mean please TALK than ending it … best in luck they last forever <3 im a jelena fan<3 they arent that young anymore they're grown up now and are starting their future and what US fans are suppose to do is support them and try… Read more »
they should totally break up they dont look good together anyways selena is a little f****ing cheater and justin can do soo much better than that little b****
I want him to be happy but I think its better if thdy broke up. I think Justin should date a fan ….it gives people hope that just cause someones famous they’re still human & not perfect & can be with somebody who isnt famous & likes them for them not for fame or money.
Jesus Christ, Monge, learn to spell. And Gomez is Bieber’s beard, nothing more.
Wow that’s dumb
first of all this whole selena being with this other guy is so for publicity i mean who does this breaks ups gets togeather have sex break up have some more sex and gets back togeather to find out that they’re cheating on each other!? jb could have any one but he’s got an #@$% up additude n selena needs to get her act togeather she may be grown but showing breasts n doing all thiz i say she doing to much i love her songs but OMG calm down u aint gotta listen to me just know people are… Read more »