Kristen Stewart Got Breasts Implants, Not Really

After showing up at Comic-Con in a push-up bra and a tight tee, people are saying Kristen Stewart got breast implants. Why? Pageviews.

“Her breasts have gone from what looked like a large A cup to a large B cup,” New York City-based plastic surgeon Dr. Matthew Schulman says.

“While this might be the result of a new, state-of-the-art bra, it’s most likely the result of a breast augmentation,” adds Michigan-based plastic surgeon Dr. Anthony Youn. Hollywood Life

Never mind the fact that small clothes make everything look bigger. Why else do you think I wear underwear designed for babies and children size t-shirts. Certainly not for the lowered sperm count and inability to move my arms.

Anyway, let’s see what Robert Pattinson thinks about this.

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12 years ago

LOL. Rob’s face is so cute