Kristen Stewart Was Having an Affair With Rupert Sanders for Months

Kristen Stewart called her affair with Rueprt Sanders a “momentary indiscretion” and that would be true if by “momentary” she meant six months.

Liberty Ross’ brother told PEOPLE UK that the relationship started “from the last half of filming [Snow White and the Huntsmen] and all through post-production, clear into last week.” Maybe by momentary, Kristen meant fleeting in the loosest sense. You know how those actors are. All dramatic and stuff.

Meanwhile, sources close to Kristen are claiming she cheated on Robert Pattinson because she was jealous of his relationship with Emilie de Ravin, his co-star from Remember Me back in 2009.

They stayed friends and he was a shoulder to cry on when the former Lost actress’s ­marriage to actor Josh Janowi hit the rocks.

A source close to Kristen said: “She found it difficult to cope with Robert being close friends with another woman.

“As their friendship grew, she ­became more envious to the point that she would be very upset. They struck up their friendship when they were working away in New York and Kristen was still living in Los Angeles.

“Nothing romantic ever happened between them but it didn’t make Kristen feel any better about them being so close. Emilie was at a very low ebb. She was going through a split and she and Robert made one another laugh.

“They would socialise together away from the set too. They would spend their evenings together in bars and restaurants while they were in New York.”

Yep, that makes perfect sense and what better way to deal with that envy than to bang her director. “I’ll show him!,” muttered Kristen Stewart to no one in particular while Robert Pattinson sat there wondering why Kristen looked pissy all the time.

In related news, Robert asked Kristen to move out which is why there was a U-Haul outside of their house.

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Oscar rolling in his grave
Oscar rolling in his grave
12 years ago

A young slut fucks her way into being the highest paid actress? And her “acting” consists of biting her lip? She must have practiced “biting” on a lot of director’s cocks.

Sleeping Booty
Sleeping Booty
12 years ago

Sure, the half dead 42 year old didn’t stick it in the vibrant 22 year old
I’ll believe that when Romney ‘s gay son comes out and loses his trust fund.

12 years ago

Once trust is violated,a relationship is over.You may try to reconcile,but deep down your always a little suspicious.