The First Lawsuit Against James Holmes Is Here

The tragedy that struck Century 16 Theater in Aurora just happened last Friday morning and now one audience member, a Torrence Brown, Jr., is already looking for a handout. He’s filing a lawsuit against anyone he can think of with enough money to make him set for life. This is the new American dream.

Brown, who was not physically hurt, said he suffers from extreme trauma after one of his best friends, A.J. Boik died from a gunshot wound to the chest. He’s hired attorney Donald Karpel who’s going after three defendants. I’m not even halfway through this post and I already want to punch these two people in the face.

1. The theater. Karpel claims it was negligent for the theater to have an emergency door in the front that was not alarmed or guarded. It’s widely believed Holmes entered the theater with a ticket,  propped the emergency door open from inside, went to his car and returned with guns.

The front “emergency exits” in theaters aren’t really emergency exits. They just help people get out faster. Doesn’t everyone know this?

2. Holmes’ doctors. Karpel says it appears Holmes was on several medications — prescribed by one or more doctors —  at the time of the shooting and he believes the docs did not properly monitor Holmes.

If only the doctors took a closer look at Holmes. They would have realized he was a homicidal maniac. “The signs were right there!,” said the kid and his lawyer who probably have never even heard of the DSM-IV.

3. Warner Bros. Karpel says “Dark Knight Rises” was particularly violent and Holmes mimicked some of the action. The attorney says theater goers were helpless because they thought the shooter was part of the movie.  Karpel tells TMZ, “Somebody has to be responsible for the rampant violence that is shown today.”

Wow. I don’t even know what to say to that. I just want to go up to him and kick him in the nuts. First of all, YOU WERE THERE TO SEE THE MOVIE. It only became too violent when it suited your agenda. Second of all, this movie was PG-13. So were the other two Batman movies. Don’t know what PG-13 means? Here, let the MPAA tell you: “There may be depictions of violence in a PG-13 movie, but generally not both realistic and extreme or persistent violence.” Basically, PG-13 is 99% of the time implied violence and not even that much of it. “Rampant violence” makes the movie sound like it was the second coming of Natural Born Killers.

Let me get this straight. This kid willingly went to see the movie and made it out alive without a mark on him and now he’s exploiting his friend’s death for monetary gain. This kid sounds wonderful. The judge overseeing this case should just throw the book at both of them. Literally. Take a really heavy law book, throw it at their heads and tell them to GTFO.

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12 years ago

Just wait … there will be more maggots coming out of the woodwork. This clarifies the famous saying “there is no cure for stupid”.

12 years ago

Agree 100%

12 years ago

I agree with you. Unfortunately in writing about him, you’ve given him his 15 minutes of fame. You might have written the article and not even mentioned his name.

The Blemish
12 years ago
Reply to  alyce1213

I wanted to put up his picture too so when people see him on the street that could just shake their head at him and hiss.

12 years ago
Reply to  The Blemish

I get it, information is important. But I hope never to meet this character on the street.

Pat Taylor
12 years ago


12 years ago

Somebody needs to hurry up and get shot near me. I’m ready to retire, darn it.

12 years ago

OMG u have got to be kidding me. Who does this ass think he is. As far as the shooter goes anywhere he goes prison or otherwise he’s dead no one likes a. A baby killer b. U mean to tell me know one caught on to this dick and he’s been planning it 4 months he should get the death penalty. So I totally agree with u on this 100%

79-Langley Jakupovic
79-Langley Jakupovic
12 years ago

I can’t believe those people that were shot killed and others coming out of the hospital with wounded gunshots, long road to recover and it’s just terrible, that movie massacre suspect is facing really serious charges and also hearing a death penalty can be probable too.

12 years ago

I’m ok with all this. First off why do they even have those “emergency exits” if they are only used for just leaving the theater quicker? Seems like an easy way in for someone to wanna watch a movie for free or in this case walk in and kill a bunch of people. Theaters need to get rid of this simple as that. Second I was told Holmes was not on medication so….? Third people need to stop blaming movies in this case. There are far more worse movies than this that lead to more violence and rebel. To some… Read more »

Eat an arse
Eat an arse
12 years ago

The real reason to file suit would be they didn’t allow guns into the movie theater and didn’t give adequate protection. If you aren’t going to allow people to carry and protect themselves against a threat then someone should have been there such as an armed guard in the theater.

MAM in the GA
MAM in the GA
12 years ago

Guns aren’t allowed in a lot of places. Does that mean my local grocery store needs a metal detector and a security guard? If I were this attorney I would be embarrassed to associate myself with this suit. But then again, I’m not a media whore.

TJ Demas
12 years ago

When he gets all this money I’m gonna sue him for the mental trauma I receive from the new security guard groping my balls every time I want to watch a movie…