In badass news of the day, LL Cool J subdued an intruder in his house using only peace and harmony. Peace and Harmony is what he calls his fists by the way. He used them to break the intruder’s nose and jaw.
According to reports, at 2 AM this morning, LL heard noises coming from downstairs. When he went to check it out, he found a man in his house who had tripped the alarm system. LL took matters into his own hands or rather clenched fists and went a few rounds with him before LAPD arrived. A stark contrast to what I would have done which would have been to hide in the closet under some sheets and pee myself a little.
Granted, this news became a little less badass when it was discovered the man was a transient who may suffer from mental issues. So, when LL tells this story, he should definitely talk about how he beat the crap out of a guy who broke into his house at 2 AM in the morning but maybe leave out the part where the guy was just sitting in front of his open fridge counting how many pickles were in a jar.
Are you retarded? He broke into Cool J’s house. It wasn’t time for a peace love therapy fest. What grade level are you, seriously? Someone actually hired you to write this tripe? Pathetic.
The title of this article is LL Cool J Beat Up a Transient! In fact this “burglar” could not possibly be a transient. The definition of transient via the internet dictionary is : 1. not lasting, enduring, or permanent; transitory. 2.lasting only a short time; existing briefly; temporary:transient authority. 3.staying only a short time: the transient guests at a hotel. 4.Philosophy . transeunt. When I originally saw this article, I was under the assumption that LL Cool J is in some trouble for harming an innocent person. Please try not to mislead your readers for hits on a story. Some… Read more »
Transient – (noun) A person who is staying or working in a place for only a short time.
The title of this article ranks as the stupidest piece of journalism I’ve ever read.
Hell yea he had a right to beat the guy up even if he did have an mental issues it’s no tellin wat he would of done
LL did less than what i would have done, do you understand the disruption of ones life that an intruder creates for a family when an intruder gets away. You will never feel at peace in your own home again, yes this person deserved an ass whoopin. I gurantee you he will think twice when choosing a home to burglarize.
Buy a gun
He has ever rite to defend his family it could have been worst, wht would you have said if this man had kill his daughter or seriou hurt him. Dont make him look bad for protect his house sometime be mindful of the things you write
Kudos on the headline Victor.