Miley Cyrus Cut All Her Hair

Does every girl go through this short hair/wannabe punk rock stage in their life? Because it’s terrible. Someone should tell them to stop. It’s not attractive. The only person short hair looks attractive on is Morena Baccarin. One out of hundreds of thousands of females who’ve done this. So if you’re a girl and you ever want to do this, just think about the odds. There’s a 1:500,000 chance you’ll look good. That’s a 99.99% chance of looking terrible. Oh and if you’re wondering, judging by her tweets, Miley isn’t that .000002%.

– my dad @billyraycyrus used to tell me “opinions are are like ass holes every body has one” LOVE my hair ? feel so happy, pretty, and free ????

– if you don’t have something nice to say don’t say anything at all. my hair is attached to my head no one else’s and it’s going bye bye :)

But, there’s nothing we can do now. Miley already donated her hair to a cancer charity. Well, I guess she could take it back but believe me, yanking a wig off a little bald cancer kid doesn’t go over too well.

Update: I swear there was a post saying Miley donated her hair to Locks of Love or a similar org but now I can’t find the link. Anyway, as the comments point out, even if she did donate her hair (did she?) they wouldn’t accept it because it’s bleached.

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J.J. Walker
J.J. Walker
12 years ago

When her hair tests positive for known carcinogens (i.e. cigarettes & dope smoke), the cancer charity will promptly dispose of her hair. Unless they auction it off to 50 year-old perverts obsessed with former Disney Channel children. (i.e. Tom Cruise & Tom Arnold)

i hate walker
i hate walker
12 years ago
Reply to  J.J. Walker

tom cruise? u mad bruh? i hate all people with their last name walker.

Roth Tango
12 years ago
Reply to  J.J. Walker

Tom cruise is a f*g. Sorry to disapoint you.

12 years ago

Everyone might think shes ugly but shes actually beautiful inside and out for what she did shes helping people with cancer shes making a change something all these people who are calling miley ugly wouldnt do.

Roth Tango
12 years ago
Reply to  Vanessa.A.

Making a change? HAHAHAHA!!!!!! This dumb whore demoralizes our children. How the F**K is she beautiful on the inside? You damn zombies make me sick!

12 years ago

I love miley. She WAS so beautiful! She wrecked her head! Hate the new hair. Actually its gross!!!

12 years ago

haha omg your despicable. what she did is honorable. and this is not coming from a miley fan.

Roth Tango
12 years ago
Reply to  JustMe

Shut the f**k up. What she did was a desperate cry for attention.

Gabriela Valdes Navarrete

WHAT MILEY DID IS BEAUTIFUL !!! She donated 95% of her hair for cancer patiants, she is even more special then any other singer because she did something that is permanent!!!!! She looks even more beautiful now then before because this has a special meaning to it !!!!!!!

Roth Tango
12 years ago

Are you fucking retarded? She turns the little girls of this world into whores, just like her. Explain how SUPPOSEDLY donating her hair to ONE cancer patient would make up for all the disgusting things she’s done? Also, explain why giving away her hair is meaningful when she could have easily bought 100 wigs for cancer patients. It’s pretty funny how you aren’t even bright enough figure out that her haircut mostly likely cost more that donating 100 wigs.

11 years ago
Reply to  Roth Tango

She didn’t turn little girls into whores. How is she responsible for girls turning into whores? IF GIRLS TURN INTO WHORES IT’S BECAUSE THEY DECIDE TO NOT BECAUSE OF MILEY. and really, yea, she can buy all those wigs for the cancer patients but it wouldn’t mean nothing. Cutting her hair and having the courage to walk out almost bald and Miley being a girl, is tough but hey, she did it to inspire the cancer patients. It’s funny how people judge Miley for what she have DONE IN THE PAST but not what she’s DOING. Miley’s growing up, Sure… Read more »

12 years ago

What a load of crap this is. Whose opinion is this that virtually NO WOMAN or girl looks nice with short hair? That is YOUR OPINION! And is NOT a fact. Miley looks cute and it suits her, and the same goes for many girls, so stop chatting s**t

Roth Tango
12 years ago
Reply to  HollyH

She looks like a little boy. Which is perfect for the kikes who want to fondle her. Women with that short of hair look ridiculous. Plain and simple. You don’t like that? Then move to a planet where little boys are sexually appealing. I’m sure israel will take you in until you find that planet, or until the jews take over an already populated planet, rape, pillage, and enslave everyone who isn’t a kike, as they sit back and wonder why the universe is so pissed off at them.

12 years ago

I hate websites like these, proposing what looks good and what looks bad, it is all subjectivity. She donated her hair to a cancer organization and people are all up in arms about how ‘bad’ it looks. It just goes to show how there are people who prioritize the most trivial things and downplay the most sweetest of actions. To whoever wrote this article, you are a judgmental human being, you deserve to step on dog s**t at least once a week.

Roth Tango
12 years ago
Reply to  Leo

She didn’t donate her hair, jackass. You want a subjective claim? Disney and all other child molesting organizations should be shut down, and all the executives should be filleted and fed to the rest of the kikes that call themselves jewish.

Herman Bumfudle
Herman Bumfudle
12 years ago

hey beautiful!

12 years ago

Uh, she gave her hair to children with cancer, and she wants to lose the “fans” that don’t understand that. F**k off.

12 years ago


12 years ago
Reply to  infuriated

Locks of love does not.accept color.processed hair and it must be at least 10 inches. Me and my children have all donated. Wigs will never be made of processed hair. It effects the skin of cancer patients. I work with cancer patients. I know this. St Baldricks is the fund raising event where one shaves their head to raise money. They solicite donations prior to shaving their head bald. This wasn’t done for cancer. It was a style choice.

Roth Tango
12 years ago
Reply to  Saa

At least there’s ONE genuine person one here…….
Thank you so very much for what you do for the less fortunate. People like you are the TRUE celebrities.

12 years ago

I can’t believe that people are like this judgeing people! Miley Cyrus is beautiful inside & out! <3 she doesnt deserve too be hated like this! Put yourself in her shoes!! She did it for a charity !!! You should be grateful that they're are still people like Miley on the world that cares and does something permanent ! Your too self, ignorant and childish too understand how beautiful and caring she is, I still love her no matter what!! <3

Roth Tango
12 years ago
Reply to  TheTruth

SHE DIDN’T DONATE HER HAIR, YOU STUPID F**K!!!!!!!Now who’s selfish, ignorant, and childish to understand?
The truth? Bitch, you wouldn’t know the Truth if I smacked you upside the head.

12 years ago

Miley didn’t chop her hair off for Cancer patients. She was already going for the cut and did that as a nice bonus. The donation alone was not her incentive. Sadly, they most likely can’t use her hair. They don’t make the wigs out of color processed hair.

Roth Tango
12 years ago
Reply to  Marissa

Then they should burn the hair, and miley with it.

The Blemish
12 years ago

Forgot to ask. Is anyone reminded of Ashlee Simpson in that header pic?

Impy Lukkarila
12 years ago

You guys are stupid. She gave her hair to young adults with cancer? Who ever wrote this blog is stupid as s**t.

Clint Eastwood's Mother
Clint Eastwood's Mother
12 years ago

Too bad she doesn’t have a surplus of cash to donate. Really, she should donate all of her money, start over from new…relying only on her talent for her future income…bahahahaha

Roth Tango
12 years ago

I don’t think sucking jewish cock is a talent. Then again…….

12 years ago

She doesn’t look good

12 years ago

I’m glad she gave her hair to cancer shes so nice I never doubted her

Roth Tango
12 years ago
Reply to  Alice


12 years ago

Hi hi

12 years ago

Can someone give me the organization she donated to because honestly I doubt it was even accepted. Like whoever said below they can’t make wigs out of dyed hair, it has to be virgin hair and we all know Miley is not biologically blonde. Second hair has to have at least a 10 inch requirement for it to be accepted.

12 years ago

I think she looks cute in the last pic I think the person who wrote this blog picked the worst pic for the cover to make a point having said that I doubt she donated her hair at all it looks bleached before she cut it. I donated my hair to locks of love and part of the rules are it can’t be chemically altered, semi color is fine but nothing stronger than that. I think she just wanted to cut her hair good for her she looks cute :)

miley lover
miley lover
12 years ago

i think she paid the cancer foundation so that she has an excuse to cut it and be relevant and be heard beautiful even tho the haircut is clearly hideous.

12 years ago

good on her for donating it she looks fine

12 years ago

Why the huge fuss over someone cutting their hair ? Surely there are more important things to criticise somebody for than switching to a shorter style. I’m not a Miley fan, but it’s her hair and she can do what she wants with it. And I completely disagree with the author; lots of girls look good with short hair.

12 years ago

I have donated my hair to cancer charities multiple times and the guidelines are that it just can not be bleached. You could dye it all you want.

12 years ago

I could care less regardless but will throw in my 2 cents, she looks horrible. Great, she donated the hair but what about the undoubtedly outrageous $$ she probably spent to have someone chop it off? It wouldn’t surprise me if someone actually did, as her shock picture suggests, ball the hair and straight chop it with scissors. I’d guess $1k+ for the cut?

Step #1 to being a celebrity, have an image.Step #2 to being a celebrity, don’t drastically change that image…