For far too long have One Million Moms sat idly by while the Kim Kardashians of the world grab headlines. It’s time to feign righteous indignation and make ludicrous statements! It’s time to get One Million Moms the publicity they deserve!
But what can OMM direct their unwarranted anger at? I know! How about a Skittles commercial showing a girl making out with a walrus? The angle? It promotes bestiality.
We are not sure of Skittles’ thought process behind their new ad, but if they are attempting to offend customers, they have succeeded. Skittles’ newest “Walrus” commercial includes a teen girl making out with a walrus. The two are on a sofa in an apartment kissing on the mouth when her shocked roommate walks in on them. Parents find this type of advertising inappropriate and unnecessary. Does Skittles’ have our children’s best interest in mind? Skittles candies are for all ages, but their target market is children.
Skittles Marketing Team may have thought this was humorous, but not only is it disgusting, it is taking lightly the act of bestiality. Let Skittles know their new ad is irresponsible.
At first our children will be watching a teen open mouth kissing a walrus on tv. Then the next thing you know, them and their friends are holding Fido down while they gang rape him. Are you not concerned about this logical progression of events, Skittles? Irresponsible, indeed.