Willow Smith Will Star in ‘Annie’ Remake

Whenever Willow Smith is done whipping her hair back and forth (this is what she’s going to be known for for the rest of her life), she’ll be starring in a remake of Annie to be produced by Will Smith with music by Jay-Z who already has one track down from his reworking of “It’s a Hard Knock Life” to “Hard Knock Life (Ghetto Anthem)” from “Vol. 2… Hard Knock Life.”

“I have been writing the script for nearly three years; it’s exciting,” said [Emma] Thompson. “In the autumn, we get to go to L.A. to work with Willow and work on more of the script… Jay-Z has already started working on the music.”

I for one can’t wait to see this remake. I’ve always said that little orphan Annie should have much more swagger. Also, Daddy Warbucks should always walk around with a cane and a pimp cup. That’s going to happen, right? Because I’ll feel cheated if it doesn’t. At least have him be played by Tyler Perry.

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12 years ago

That entire last paragraph is ignorant.

12 years ago

I agree

Jacques Jones
Jacques Jones
11 years ago

Oy…this is going to be painful.