Kim Kardashian Says Finalizing Divorce Is Like Beating Cancer

In the Guardian, Kim Kardashian compares finishing her divorce to conquering cancer. Kim queefed,

“We decided to film for the wedding. And that was a decision that he and I made together. But I think that, with any decisions in life [brace yourselves], like, I spoke to a girl today who had cancer and we were talking about how this is such a hard thing for her, but it taught her a big lesson on who her friends are and so much about life. She’s 18. And I was like, that’s how I feel.”

“Wow. Not to trivialize your near fatal disease or anything but I totally know what you went through because one time I was married to this guy for 72 days.”

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Captian obvious
Captian obvious
11 years ago

I guess it takes a human cancer like Kim kardashian to make that kind of shallow minded bullshit.