Justin Timberlake’s longtime friend and real estate agent Justin Huchel shot a video for his wedding in southern Italy. It was less a touching life retrospective and more a laugh at homeless people gag video. Huchel found people living on the street and had them wish Justin and Jessica luck. Gawker has a 20 second excerpt of the 8 minute long video shown to the millionaires at Justin’s wedding.
The clip features homeless men congratulating them and junkie well-wishers. For instance, one toothless man says to the camera, “I hope the wedding goes fine for you. My gift is in the mail.”
Suffice to say, it must have been a big hit at the party. There’s nothing more enjoyable than laughing at the homeless at a $6.5 million wedding. See? It’s a juxtaposition of the super wealthy and the people who’ll never be. That’s what makes it so hilarious. Look, that one doesn’t even have any teef! My word. How rich! Like us!
Naturally, Huchel’s attorney threatened Gawker with a lawsuit. A statement read, “Mr. Huchel made [the] video to be used and exhibited privately at Justin Timberlake’s wedding as a private joke without Mr. Timberlake’s knowledge.”
Hopefully the gave those dental deficient homeless people $100 euros each