It seems Taylor Swift leads the most boring existence. Sure she’s a famous singer, has millions in the bank and is dating a Kennedy but all her songs are just her whining about her exes, she’s saving her money for her kid’s college tuition and the fun things she does with Conor Kennedy includes buying $80,000 worth of antiques.
Reports say Taylor and Conor went antiquing in Notting Hill over the weekend. “She wandered into Alice’s and dropped £30,000 then went up the road and spent another £20,000. She was only in there for about five minutes. About half of what she bought was for her, the other for Conor. She bought a drawing of a shark, some old medicine bottles and a pinball machine for him,” said a source.
If it wasn’t for her millions of dollars and hectic schedule, she’d probably be living with a thousand cats all wearing hand-knit sweaters.