Fabolous Celebrated His Birthday on Sunday

Last Sunday, Fabolous celebrated his birthday at Greystone Manor in Hollywood. In attendance were The Game, Lamar Odom, Kevin Phillips and Deray Davis. Also in attendance was a train of tequila with sparklers in them. It kind of reminded me of that one Simpsons episode where Homer was in hell and they put his mouth up to a conveyor belt of donuts and forced him to eat each one as a sisyphean punishment but he just kept eating and eating until they ran out of donuts. I’d like to think either Fabolous or some guy was at the end of that tequila train just sitting there pointing to his open mouth.

Anyway, here’s some exclusive photos from the event and a couple of videos. The first video is of the El Cartel Tequila train the second one is of Fabolous performing. Why is the camera sideways? Because it’s more gangsta when you hold it that way, obviously.

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