A criminal case will soon be filed against Lindsay Lohan for lying to the cops. The charge is a criminal offense that will most likely see the judge in her case revoke her probation on grounds she broke the law. Again.
Sources connected with the case tell TMZ … when the Santa Monica City Attorney files the criminal case against Lindsay, it will go to L.A. County Superior Court Judge Jane Godfrey for arraignment. At the time Lindsay is arraigned, we’re told Judge Godfrey will revoke Lindsay’s probation and set the matter for a full hearing, on grounds she violated her probation in the jewelry case by breaking the law. TMZ
Remember that Simpsons episode where Lisa used Bart as a subject in her science fair project and in one experiment she attached an electric current to a cupcake and Bart kept trying to grab it maybe 10 times despite being shocked every time? Lindsay Lohan is a lot like Bart but whereas Bart, who’s cartoonishly dumb, eventually became adverse to the thing that harmed him, Lindsay doesn’t.
Hopefully they’ll put her in jail for longer than 30 minutes.
What’s hilarious about this is that she’s already been put on probation… twice. So will they extend her elaborate joke of a probation sentence again? I hope not.