Anne Hathaway ‘Devastated’ by Upskirt Shots

The other night while Anne Hathaway got out of a SUV to go to the premiere of Les Miserables, she inadvertently flashed her vagina.

Vanity Fair writer Ingrid Sischy caught up with her and asked her about her most embarrassing moment which is something you always have to do. Anne explained, “I was getting out of the car and my dress was so tight that I didn’t realize it until I saw all the photographers’ flashes. It was devastating. They saw everything. I might as well have lifted up my skirt for them.”

To be fair, the image wasn’t THAT clear so, um, if you could do that lifting up of the skirt you were talking about, that’d be great.

In any case, Alexis Bryan Morgan, executive fashion director at Lucky magazine, suggests next time she either wear Spanx or “get out of the car with your knees together and then bring them up and out and swing them over the side of the car out to the curb.”

Whoa whoa whoa. Girls, DO NOT listen to this woman. Someone silence her!

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