Lindsay and Dina Lohan Rejected by Two Hotels, Went to Court

After booking it to LA for fear of the judge in her car crash case issuing an arrest warrant, Lindsay and Dina Lohan drove around L.A. after midnight trying to find a hotel to stay at which is apparently harder than it seems because no one likes Lindsay Lohan.

The first hotel they tried was Shutters on the Beach in Santa Monica at around 1 am. Dina went inside to check in but was told she couldn’t stay there. Apparently, Lindsay was blacklisted after she trashed one of the rooms in 2007.

They then drove up the road to the Loews Hotel where they were also turned away. Management claims there was no vacancy. At least that’s the story. They probably turned off all the lights and closed the blinds when they saw them drive up and then told them, “No hablo ingles,” when they started knocking on the door.

No word on where they ended up staying but Lindsay did manage to make it to court this morning. She was accompanied by her mom and her attorney who was carrying a fancy LV briefcase with what looks like a lucky rabbit’s foot attached to it. Yea, like that’s gonna help.

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