The Bar Refaeli GoDaddy Makeout Commercial Took 65 Tries

Remember that GoDaddy commercial featuring Bar Refaeli making out with Jesse “The World’s Greatest Extra” Heiman that aired during the Super Bowl? The one that killed your sex drive for the next two weeks? Well, there were two versions. One for the Super Bowl and another uncut version. The difference between the two is the uncut version has tongue.

If that didn’t cement Jesse as the luckiest Hollywood extra ever, then how about the fact that the ad took 65 takes to get right. Jesse, you’re doing it wrong but totally right. High five.

Said Bar about the commercial, “It’s a funny thing because I have this very strange dream. I always wanted to go to a club filled with people, look around and choose the most unlikely guy that I will ever kiss or pay attention to and kiss him in front of everyone so he will be very happy. For me it was making my dream come true.” So this was just a pity kiss? You know what? I’m sure Jesse will take it.

She went on, “I told Jess that when we kissed he’s a very very good kisser.” Surprising considering the look of disgust Bar had on her face. It’s the same kind of face you make when someone tells you to kiss Lindsay Lohan’s labia.

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