Over in West Yorkshire, a caped crusader brought in a wanted man to the Bradford police station before disappearing to his bat cave and possibly taking a couple donuts with him.
Police said: “The person who brought the man in was dressed in a full Batman outfit. His identity remains unknown.”
In a quest to identify English Batman, a joke shop said they sold a Batman outfit to a man in his 20s a couple days before the incident. “Usually they want the Dark Knight costume but he wanted this one. He wanted the one with the muscly chest as well. It’s like the one Del Boy wears in Only Fools and Horses.”
Oh, look, references I don’t get. “Batman came into the helpdesk, stated to the staff ‘I’ve caught this one for you’ and then promptly vanished into the night to fight crime and the fear of crime in Bradford.
He’s not the hero Bradford deserves, but not the one they need.