She’s bedazzled her vagina and she’s picked out what wedding rings she wants a man to buy her when he proposes. If you’re wondering what Jennifer Love Hewitt could possibly do to scare off men even more, wonder no more because she’s now considering freezing her eggs.
Normally this wouldn’t be that weird but when it’s in the context of Jennifer Love Hewitt, it’s insane. A source says Hewitt has been asking around about egg freezing. Jennifer “feels worried that she will end up single, since none of her relationships have been successful.” The source adds, “It it doesn’t work out with Brian, she can still be a mom one day.”
Even though nothing is going to plan, Jennifer pretty much has her entire future mapped out. But what she thinks is helping her is actually hurting her. Usually men don’t want to see a flow chart of their projected future with you on the first date. Save that for the third date when you spike his drink, show him your crystalline crotch and steal the condom. Not necessarily in that order.