Being an actor is pretty easy and really fun. Except when a stalker follows you into the gym and throws a razor full of pubes at you. Then it’s decidedly less fun. Hugh Jackman knows what I’m talking about.
Jackman was working out at Gotham Gym in New York Saturday morning where Kathleen Thurston, a 47-year-old stalker, was seen hysterically sobbing as she sneaked past the check-in desk. She made her way to Jackman and threw an electric razor full of her pubes at him while screaming “I love you!” She then lunged for his crotch. A staff member eventually dragged her away. For the record, this is not how you profess your love to someone. Personal experience? Uh, no comment.
Jackman said he was a little shaken but being the good guy he is he just hopes “the woman gets the help she needs.”
Police found the woman a few blocks away and arrested her for stalking. The crime scene unit recovered the “weapon” and “had to pick the hairs out of it to match them with her DNA.”
Must suck to be the crime scene worker. He probably said to himself, “I bet Hugh Jackman never has to pick out pubic hairs from a razor.” And he would have been right. He would have been very, very right.