They don’t make celebrities like they used to. Back in the days of Paris Hilton, Kim Kardashian, Vanessa Hudgens, Rihanna, Cassie, Scarlett Johansson and Renee Olstead, it would be all about a nude picture leak. Technology wasn’t as ubiquitous back then and famous people usually had no idea what the hell they were doing.
Younger celebs are a lot smarter these days or, at least, less willing to keep their nudes on their phone. That or people just aren’t interested in being investigated by the FBI anymore.
This brings us to that Victoria Justice photo making it’s way over the internet. They were taken from a phone she lost so you’d expect at least some areola but no. It’s just her dressed as an 80’s aerobic instructor.
She wrote on Twitter, “My phone was stolen & some1 (someone) leaked this. Wasn’t meant 2 (sic) be ‘sexy’, I took it as a joke cuz (because) I look like an 80s aerobics instructor. Hacking & stealing is not cool. Respect peoples (sic) personal property… I would never post a picture of myself like that. I’m not taking this lightly & I will find out who stole my private property.”
Yea, that’s cool and all but if you photoshopped Miami beach into the background no one would think twice about this picture. It’s about as exciting a picture leak as Richard Simmons playing bongos.