Last year, Paula Deen was accused of being an unabashed racist by a former employee who sued her and her brother, co-owner of their restaurant, for getting all racial, sexual harassment and inflicting distress. In a taped deposition on May 17, Paula didn’t deny any of the accusations.
On her brother Bubba being a coke-head pornoholic: Yes, sure
On liberally using the N-word: “It’s just what they are — they’re jokes…most jokes are about Jewish people, rednecks, black folks…I can’t determine what offends another person.”
On wanting “a bunch of little ni**ers to wear long-sleeve white shirts, black shorts and black bow ties, you know in the Shirley Temple days, they used to tap dance around” at her wedding: She said she got the idea from a restaurant she and her husband went to. “The whole entire waiter staff was middle-aged black men, and they had on beautiful white jackets with a black bow tie. I mean, it was really impressive. That restaurant represented a certain era in America…after the Civil War, during the Civil War, before the Civil War…It was not only black men, it was black women…I would say they were slaves.”
Not even a denial. She doesn’t even really try to justify her antiquated views on race. It’s pretty much, “it’s just jokes, c’mon, they’re not really people” and “what’s wrong with little tap dancing ni**ers, they’re cool.” Yikes.
excuse me but she was raised in an era where discrimination was acceptable its how they were raised but in todays society there are laws against it but at least she is being honest about what is being said…
Well long as she’s being honest, it’s okay. Let’s not have her change or anything.
im not condoning what was said and done im just saying she and her brother were raised in a completely different era and such some things will have to be considered with the older people no matter who they are
Snoop dog refers to everyone as n*****s. Oh my bad, n****s. So whats the difference? Hmmm I wonder. Its all bs.