Pamela Held, 27, of Long Island is alleging a NYPD officer, Sean Christian, 41, from the 104th Precinct in Queens rummaged through her phone, found naked pictures of herself and forwarded it to himself.
Reports say cops pulled her over for a sticker violation, found prescription drugs in the car and brought her in to the stationhouse. She told cops she was visiting a friend and had text messages to prove it. She gave one officer the security code to her phone to show him the texts. The police then left the room with the phone while she was processed on misdemeanor drug charges.
When Held got out, Christian followed her to her car. She said, “He was telling me I’m a beautiful girl and I need to stop hanging out with the wrong people.” The classic white knight. After leaving, she pulled over to check her phone. “I saw this number and all the pictures and videos attached to it.”
20 nude photos and 5 videos had been forwarded to one number belonging to Christian. While Christian denied meeting Held or working at the 104th precinct and claimed the number belonged to his brother, an internal affairs investigation revealed he did know her. IA detectives listened in during a recorded call where Christian, who seemed very familiar with Held, talked and flirted with Pamela for 50 minutes.
Detectives examined phone records but say it doesn’t look like he ever received the photos or videos. Christian also says he never received the images. However, Pamela’s lawyer says there was no “message undelivered” notification on her iPhone meaning they were sent.
I’m also willing to bet that their “examination” was just looking over his received texts which he probably deleted.
Held told the Daily News, “It makes me sick. I don’t even want to think about what he’s done with them.”
Uh, well, sorry to say this but he probably jerked off to them about 10 times already.