Jenny McCarthy Nabs a Boyfriend and a Spot on ‘The View’

Things are looking up for Jenny McCarthy. Not only does she somehow have her own talk show on VH1 but it turns out it’s pulling double duty as her personal

A report from PEOPLE says recent guest Donnie Wahlberg of New Kids on the Block and her are dating. This after an interview where they sucked on lollipops while McCarthy asked if he talks dirty during sex. “I do,” said Donnie.

Not believing it, Jenny said, “You do — but some guys do it wrong.” Naturally Donnie, being a Wahlberg replied, “Yea, I don’t do it wrong.” That’s when McCarthy got a lady boner. She wrote on her blog:

Now, I want to talk about what happened between Donnie Wahlberg and me. Let’s just say we visually give “50 Shades of Grey” a run for its money. It gets steamy. I mean like really steamy. Being turned on by a guy is always fun but to have it legitimately happen to you on TV is to be turned back into a 12-year-old. By the time we get into the groundbreaking interview, my face turns fifty shades of RED.

If you were a New Kids On the Block fan back in the day, I totally get it. I think I have officially become a groupie.

And just like that, the 90’s became somewhat relevant again.

While a new vaccination free romance was blossoming, Deadline reports that The View has added Jenny McCarthy to its panel of clucking hens. She’ll be replacing Elizabeth Hasselbeck. This despite focus group testing from competitors indicating the core demographic of The View — the females — don’t particularly like McCarthy.

In Monday’s announcement, Barbara Walters insisted, “Jenny brings us intelligence as well as warmth and humor. She can be serious and outrageous. She has connected with our audience and offers a fresh point of view. Jenny will be a great addition to the show as we usher in an exciting new chapter.”

Walters forgot to mention the MD she’d bring to the table. Oh, wait. Nevermind. She has no medical expertise at all relying instead on anecdotal evidence. Get out of here, reason and logic! There’s no room for you on this show.

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