I don’t keep up with The Real Housewives of anything, but I always chuckle when I read stories like this. Mostly because I revel in stupid people’s misery.
Anyway, Teresa and her husband Giuseppe “Joe” Giudice are looking at 30 years in prison for conspiracy to commit mail and wire fraud, bank fraud, making false statements on loan applications and bankruptcy fraud. They appeared in federal court Tuesday morning to face a 39-count indictment.
Both surrendered their passports and cannot leave New Jersey or New York. Joe will be deported to Italy if convicted since he’s not a US citizen. Both have been released on $500,000 bail.
Authorities say the couple submitted fraudulent mortgage and loan applications from 2001 to 2008, including fake tax returns and W-2s. Prosecutors allege Joe Giudice failed to file tax returns for the years 2004 through 2008.
Prosecutors allege the Giudices received about $4.6 million in mortgages, withdrawals from home equity lines of credit and construction loans.
In a statement, Teresa said she supports her husband and wants to resolve the charges as soon as possible.
“I am committed to my family and intend to maintain our lives in the best way possible, which includes continuing my career,” she said. Fox News
Sweet, oblivious Teresa. Your career is over since I doubt Bravo is going to make a Real Housewives of Rikers any time soon. No one wants to watch you argue with your bunkmate over whose side of the room the toilet is on.