John Stamos Is a Saint

18-year-old Kaitlyn Dobrow lost all her limbs due to the bacterial infection meningococcemia. You can read about it here. Basically, she contracted the disease after a late workout at the gym. She woke up the next day with a headache and nausea. By 2 pm, she couldn’t get out of bed. Her mom noticed something breaking out on her skin and they headed to the hospital. There they diagnosed her with a deadly strain of meningitis.

The infection cut off circulation to all her limbs and doctors had to amputate her arms and legs. She still has a number of surgeries ahead of her and is on constant pain medication but still remains positive somehow.

Through whatever means, John Stamos was asked to visit her. After hearing about her story, he obliged. He didn’t want any press but they wanted to take a photo anyway. He wrote, “I’m ONLY doing this cause they asked. I said no press. but this story is a must read- plus me and katie have a date to Disneyland.”

John Stamos is a way better person than me. I would have been freaked out about getting infected and losing my limbs too. If that happened, how would I make dick jokes on the computer?!

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Jason B
11 years ago

Fuckin’ class act Stamos.