TMZ says The Calling was huge back in 2001 even though no one remembers ever hearing of them. They had the song “Wherever You Will Go” and broke up a short while later.
Anway, the lead singer, Alex Band, has reclaimed his fame. Though probably not under the circumstances he would have liked. TMZ reports that Alex, who was in Michigan for a music festival, was walking down the street from his hotel to a convenience store at 4 am Sunday morning when two men in a blue colored van pulled up alongside him, kidnapped him and beat him up.
They ended up dumping his body near some train tracks. Robbery seems to be the primary motive.
Alex was found when a band mate noticed him missing and started a search. He was rushed to the ER and then released.
Having no clue who the calling was, I listened to their song to see if I could remember.
Nope, I have absolutely no clue who these guys are but now I think I can explain the kidnapping. They probably confused him for Scott Stapp of Creed and wanted to beat the sh*t out of him for “Arms Wide Open.”