Turns out Andy Dick is alive and well and roaming the streets of LA high and/or drunk. A Page Six story says he was spotted at Marmalade Cafe in LA on Saturday where he ran into his former Dancing With the STars castmate Victor Ortiz. Dick, who was slurring his speech, repeatedly yelled, “I’m allowed to have fun,” saying how he’s dated men and women. Then he asked to kiss the waitress on parts of her body.
Dick, a father of three, was also heard saying, “I don’t have any responsibilities. Oh wait, I do, I have three. I have whoops, uh-oh, and how the hell did that happen last night?” Dick then asked for a beer, says the source, but was told by an apprehensive waiter, “Let me see if I can get that for you” — to which Dick responded, “I know what that means.” Dick recently crashed a wedding in Palm Springs, and we reported he was acting bizarrely in the Hamptons this summer, staying at a random stranger’s house. He was later filmed running naked down the road. A rep for Dick told us, “Please do not e-mail me anymore, thanks.” Page Six
Dick’s rep probably used to be so happy to hear his phone ring expecting it to be a callback or an offer for a bit part on a tv show for Andy Dick, but over the years, his optimism has been beaten down by non-stop calls asking if it was really his client that was seen being punched in the face or running down the street high and naked.
In a related story, here’s some video of a drunk Andy Dick in action. Self-described pickup artist SquattinCassanova on YouTube describes his encounter with Andy Dick as such.
I see Andy Dick walking by himself high as f**k in Hollywood. I call his name in a trollish manner. He does come in and grab our money and puts it in his pocket. I convince him to finally return the money. In order to prevent cooties, I got up. All of us continued to talk to him in an amusing manner. My student actually leaves because he had a f**k buddy waiting… (I know, strong FA right?). Then Andy Dick gets more crazy. The waiter comes in and asks WTF is going on. He gets kicked.
The video shows Andy Dick interrupting three dudes trying to pickup some women. Dick eventually asks for a hug from one of the guys and goes in for a kiss. Naturally, he’s quickly denied because who knows where that mouth has been. Probably hoovering nachos out of a hooker’s butthole.
Things we learn about Andy Dick from this video. He’s got a mercurial personality, people treat him like a sideshow (expected), he’s old, he still has his phone from 1999, he can still get numbers.
It was right on the dude’s “pee wee dinkus”
That’s a guy who make his last name justice :)