British Serviceman with No Family Remembered by Hundreds of Strangers

In remembrance of current and past veterans, here’s a story out of the UK sure to tug on the heartstrings. British WWII veteran Harold Jellicoe “Coe” Percival died last month at 99 years of age. He was single, had no close friends or family, and thus no one to attend his funeral. One former veteran, Sgt. Rick Clement, took to Facebook and sought other servicemen who could attend to honor Percival.

It worked. On Monday, close to 300 former strangers attended his funeral and honored his service to his country.

Here’s a single man, 99 years old and died alone. Hope that’s not me. Looks at self, unshowered, sitting in two day old unwashed underwear. *buries head in hands*

[image via @SkyNewsNorth]

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