Britney Spears’ ‘Work Bitch’ Video Was Like an Orgy

That final cut of “Work Bitch” that you saw? It didn’t include everything that was shot. Richie Nuzzolese, one of the shirtless guys in the video, tells TMZ, “What’s out in the video is only like half of what went down.” He went on that it was “like an orgy… very sexually oriented.”

Richie describes the scene as involving 15 super hot chicks which was so intense, “it wasn’t even like acting.”

This gels with Britney’s earlier statement where she said she was pushed too far sexually and cut out a bunch of scenes that were too explicit for her.

And the video is better for it. Who wants to see a massive orgy-like scene when you could just watch Britney Spears wiggle around in a bra? “Not I,” said the kid hanging by his underwear from his locker.

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