Warm Bodies actress Teresa Palmer is apparently engaged and pregnant now. How do I know that? Well, the engaged part because I read it and the pregnant part because she tied her shirt into a crop top in LA and just walked around like that for a while showing off her baby bump.
She also had one pants leg rolled up to her thigh. I have no idea what that was about. I’m not any sort of fashion expert or anything but I feel like this would have made at least one flamboyant fashion stylist snap their fingers and go, “Mm mm, honey. That just won’t do.”
she can dress however she wants
Natural beauty walking around. The only ugly thing about this is the person behind the camera.
umm she looks amaze! pretty prego!
Teresa is a beautiful woman and she’ll be an amazing mother! Nothing wrong with this at all, except to those with shallow minds.
Jesus Christ, are you serious? This is the worst thing I’ve ever read in internet, and believe, that’s something. I was never in this site and I’ll never be here again. Awful person.
She’s a pregnant woman, fgs. Leave her be.
Seems someone has never read the Jolly Rancher story.
She has great tits
F**k this piece of s**t journalism!
Saw this was retweeted by Nina dobrev, along with Teresa’s tweet about this “being unfair hollywood expectations for women” Erm no. This has zero to do with hollywoods “unfair expectations when it comes to how women look” …..She looks like a slob.
she was on the porch of her own home. f**k off.
Actually, with all ten lbs of make-up, good lighting, fake t*ts, lip injections, hair extensions, fake eyelashes, the spray on tan, strategically placed hair-in-face- the brunette girl in your pic is still a 6.5 to 7 out of 10. I guess if someone still looks like that after that much help, they’d probably break a mirror in their natural state. So, in that case, yeah I wouldn’t move boxes without the 6 hour getting ready routine. But, Teresa Palmer has natural beauty and doesn’t need it.
Nice try, the girl in my pic is jessica alba, someone whom topped every top 100 list for a decade. She was #1 for most desirable, and #1 multiple years in a row for maxims/fhm/people’s hot 100. So nice try in telling me the most desirable girl for a decade that 99% of males would cheat on their wives or girlfriends for is a 6.5 lul.
You should be ashamed of yourself for writing that piece of garbage. Now, prey that your daughter doesn’t become an actress because if so, hope she won’t be bother by people like you.
Or have your daughter dress up better when she’s out in public
I think she looks beautiful! You really need to stop thinking that famous people aren’t human. They are, they get uncomfortable, sick, pregnant, tired, stressed etc etc just like everyone else in the world. Leave them alone!
What’s wrong in your life, Victor that you need to bash someone in a pic you know nothing about? Oh & she was moving who dresses up for that you moron.
you should see Nina Dobrev’s take on this, hollywood people are just like you and me, how about i take some snaps of you while youre shaving? do u wear armani clothes to do ur bussiness in the bathroom?
CK, not Armani.
This is the greatest news story of our generation. Thank you Victor. Your contribution to the world of journalism will never be forgotten.