Cameron Diaz Posted a Picture of Herself With No Makeup

In what will be nightmare fuel for you this Friday, here’s the photo Cameron Diaz posted of herself on Instagram wearing no makeup while cradling The Body Book, a book she wrote on how to become happier, healthier and stronger with a holistic approach.

One of my proudest moments! Receiving the first bound copy of The Body Book!! @thebodybookLADIES!! I wrote this book for YOU and YOUR BODY.. And I’m so excited to share it with you!! You can pre-order it now.

Cameron Diaz with no makeup? So brave.

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Kyle Richards Is A Whore
Kyle Richards Is A Whore
10 years ago

WOW is that what she really looks like? Holy s**t! I thought only porn-stars look this bad without make-up.

10 years ago

She looks good.. Her eyes are beautiful… She’s also a great actress and in great shape… Always gonna be unhappy haters…