One way to make money is with hard work and dedication. Another, easier way, is to file a lawsuit. Guess which way Lindsay chose?
Lindsay is suing Rockstar because she believes one of the characters in GTA V sort of seems like it’s based off her and she didn’t give Rockstar permission to use this loose resemblance.
Key facts include the cover showing a woman holding a cellphone who kind of looks like Lindsay in that she’s blonde and white, a mission where the player is asked to escape the paparazzi to take a Lindsay look-alike home and another mission where the player is tasked with photographing a Lindsay look-alike having sex at a hotel which bears a striking resemblance to the Chateau Marmont, a hotel Lindsay once frequented and lived in.
All completely stupid points because the girl is so generic it could be anyone. Like the woman on the cover. She looks more like Kate Upton than Lindsay Lohan.
No word on how much Lindsay is asking for, but I’m sure it’ll be a very reasonable sum. Just enough for her to get by. So maybe $15 million or something.
I’ve seen that picture on my PS3 upon countless start-ups of GTA and not once have I thought, “hmm, Lindsey?” Big dummy.
Lindsay Lohan wishes she looked like that
But Lindsey this woman is attractive. Not a run down skank.
lindsay lohan is an idiot! and yeah it looks more like kate upton, and kate doesnt care. lindsay please shut up and kill yourself already!