Back in December, Bruce Jenner denied he was trying to look more like a transgendered woman and that he wasn’t getting an operation to flatten his Adam’s Apple.
Clearly that was a lie because look like a woman is exactly what he just did. The National Enquirer (via Daily Mail) got some photos of Bruce leaving the Beverly Hills Surgical Center on Sunday with a bandage over his throat.
And, hey, maybe he’s not becoming a tranny but things like, “On Saturday, the day before the medical office visit, the reality star was spotted with long, manicured nails as he exited a surf shop in Malibu,” are not helping.
That’s like holding a press conference to deny those rumors of you being gay while you rub your nips and wink at your assistant, Barry.
If he’s not getting a sex change, he definitely has “Michael Jackson Syndrome.” At least he’s already white. Although that “s**t brown” from the Kardashians may have rubbed off on him.