No One Wants To Post Celebrity Baby Pictures Anymore

People, ET and Just Jared have decided not to post paparazzi photos of celebrity children though PEOPLE clarified that they’d only post newsworthy items while others said they’ll only post pictures that are staged shots. This all came about after Kristen Bell and Dax Shepard spearheaded a campaign called #pedorazzi which implied paparazzi were pedophiles for taking pictures of kids. Because the celebrity kids market totally only exists so creepy weirdos can jerk off over pictures of their lumpy potato sleeping in a baby bjorn.

The Superficial put in their two cents and here’s mine. No one wants to see your creepy kids unless they’re doing something stupid like sticking a fork in an electrical socket.

But good on those sites for kissing some sweet celebrity ass. I’m sure they’ll be rewarded handsomely with exclusives and fake friendship.

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